A thuismitheoir/a chaomhnóir,
Mar is eol duit tá próiseas Gráid Lárionad Bheartaithe do 2021 faoi lán seoil anois agus tá daltaí ag obair go dian lena gcuid múinteoirí chun fianaise mheasúnaithe a bhailiú i ngach ábhar. Bainfear úsáid as fianaise leathan chun athbhreithniú iomlánaíoch a chruthú ar fheidhmíocht scoláire, agus cuireadh daltaí ar an eolas faoi na sonraí i ngach ábhar trí phlé le múinteoirí ábhair. Tá Coláiste Feirste ag obair go dlúth le CCEA agus ag leanúint a dtreoirlínte lena chinntiú go bhfuil ár bpróisis agus nósanna imeachta cothrom agus bunaithe ar chumas an dalta, chomh maith le cúinsí na bliana seo a chur san áireamh fosta.
Cuireann tréimhse na scrúduithe go leor brú ar gach duine óg. Ach de bharr gur thréimhse an-neamhghnách í seo, áfach, thiocfadh le daltaí a bheith ag déileáil le hábhair imní bhreise. Dá bhrí sin, ba mhaith linn a chur i gcuimhne dár ndaltaí agus dár dtuismitheoirí faoin tacaíocht atá ar fáil ar scoil. Molann muid duit teagmháil a dhéanamh leis an mhúinteoir foirme má bhíonn an próiseas seo ina chúis imní bhreise. Tá ár múinteoirí agus ár gcúntóirí ranga anseo chun tacaíocht agus comhairle a thabhairt. Tá sé tábhachtach cuimhniú go bhfuil bailiú na fianaise bunaithe ar phíosaí measúnaithe atá deanta acu cheana nó a dhéanfaidh siad sna seachtainí amach anseo, agus ní bheidh na measúnuithe bunaithe ach ar a bhfuil clúdaithe acu sa rang nó sa bhaile.
D’oibrigh muid in éineacht le CCEA lena chinntiú go gceadaíonn ár bpolasaithe agus ár ngnásanna próiseas comhsheasmhach ar fud na scoile. Tá ár bpolasaí ar fáil ar shuíomh idirlín na scoile gan mhoill.
Thíos, gheobhaidh tú eolas ar na dátaí tábhachtacha a mbeidh achan dalta sa bhaile. Mar aon leis sin, tá eolas ann maidir le dátaí deiridh téarma do na daltaí i mBliain 12-14.
As you are aware the Centre Determined Grade process for 2021 is now well under way and pupils have been working hard with their teachers to gather assessment evidence in each subject. A breadth of evidence will be used to create a holistic review of a student’s performance and pupils have been made aware of the specific requirements in each subject through discussions with subject teachers. Coláiste Feirste is working closely with CCEA and following their guidelines to ensure our policies and procedures are fair and reflective of a pupil’s ability, whilst taking the circumstances of this year into account.
The examination period adds a lot of pressure on every young person; however, due to the uniqueness of this current situation pupils may be dealing with additional concerns. We would like to remind our pupils and parents of the support available in school. We would encourage you to contact the form tutor if this process is causing any further worry, as our teachers and classroom assistants are here to support, guide and advise. It is important to remember that evidence gathering is based on assessment pieces that pupils have completed so far or are due to complete in the next few weeks. Assessments will be based on content that has been covered in class or taught remotely.
We have worked alongside CCEA to ensure our policies and procedures allow for a fair and consistent process throughout the school. Our policy will be available via our school website next week.
Below you will find important dates where we have planned closure along with information regarding end of term dates for pupils in Yr12-14.
Is muidine le meas,
Danielle Ní Riabhaigh: Dniriabhaigh525@c2ken.net
Pádraig Mac Cathail: Pmaccathail300@c2ken.net
Wayne Pickering: Wpickering052@c2ken.net
