Gaisce: Gradam an Uachtaráin/ The President’s Award
Gradam an Uachtaráin
Is clár féinfhorbairt é Gaisce do dhaoine óga idir an aoisghrúpa 15-25. Tugtar deis do dhaoine óga athléimneacht agus cumais a fhorbairt tríd réimse gníomhaíochtaí ar nós imeachtaí fisiciúla amhail an spórt, imeachtaí a fhorbraíonn siad scil nua agus an obair dheonach agus iad ag tabhairt ar ais don phobal. Ar a bharr sin glacann na daltaí páirt i dturas eachtra, de ghnáth ag sléibhteoireacht sna Beanna Boirche thar oíche.
Cumhachtaíonn Gaisce daoine óga, tugann sé an deis dóibh poitéinseal s’acu féin a fhás tríd rannpháirtíocht sna himeachtaí éagsúla. Tugann an clár an seans do dhaoine óga éagsúlacht a chéiliúradh, agus caitear leo go cothrom le meas agus le dínit.

The President’s Award
Gaisce is a self-development programme for young people between the ages of 15-25. Young people are given the opportunity to develop their resilience and abilities through a range of activities like physical activities such as sport, activities that develop a new skill and voluntary work with them giving back to the community. On top of that the students take part in an adventure trip, usually mountaineering overnight in the Mourne Mountains.
Gaisce empowers young people, it gives them the opportunity to grow their potential through participation in the various activities. The programme gives the young people the chance to celebrate diversity, value people equally and ensuring that everyone is treated with dignity.